The Whole Yard

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

2018 Summary

Last year really got away from us in terms of updating here, in large measure because we were so busy in the yard! Beyond the yard, G started academy-level soccer and I trained for and competed in a half-marathon. Both of these ate up a good chunk of our summer and early fall.

We were also dealt a bit of a blow with Big Dog - he was diagnosed with a brain tumor, so most of April and May were dedicated to getting him to a stable point. Additionally, we had a very wet spring, which meant we didn't get to plant the vegetable garden until June. The late planting led to a late harvest, much of which was ruined by poor weather again.

April 15th - Snow fall! What the hell?

April 21st - Little Dog, Excavator

April 29th - New telescope!

May 6th - Re-landscaped the front Island Bed with native perennials and annuals

June 16th - I wasn't digging! Must have been some other dog

June 18th - I picked up a new pot, more herbs, 5 bags of top soil, 4 replacement pepper plants. Filled the deck planter box up, planted all the new plants, plus the remaining annuals.

July 22nd - Monarch caterpillars on the milkweed

July 29th - Zucchini bread day

August 4th - The start of burr season

November 3rd - Quote from G: I like harvesting carrots the most because they take grit.


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