The Whole Yard

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Front Walkway re-planting

Last year we attempted to fill in the spot where a large juniper died with two gold japanese yew.  While lovely, they don't exactly cover the ground much.  Hence, we had a pretty bad problem keeping the weeds out.

So, this year we're going to add in some plants to compliment what currently exists.  The main planting will take place in the bed in the right portion of the photo.  It will be anchored by the existing japanese barberry and planted around the yews.  The plants we chose:

Lady's Mantle "Auslese"

Sea Thrift "Armada Rose"

Day Lily "Stella de Oro", "Bright Sunset" and "Wild Horses"

Bearded Iris "Impressionist"

Pincushion "Butterfly Blue"

In addition, we'll be adding more of the same Coralbells (the small red plant in the bed).  And we'll be transplanting some of our Siberian Irises from the backyard.

Along the narrow edge of bed between the walkway and the grass, we'll be planting Sedum "October Daphne"

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stuff's growing!!

I peeked around outside mid-week this week and didn't see any of the usual suspects (daffodils, irises, crocus, hyacinth) popping out.

Then the weather got cold on Saturday and we ended up with about an inch of snow.

But wandering around Sunday morning I noticed that they had sneakily pushed thru.  The daffodils are emerging and the irises are greening up in the bean bed. In the garage bed, the sedum, hollyhock and phlox are peeking up from their crowns and my earliest daffodils are poking thru the siberian irises.

I'll be taking notes and photos tonight.  But it looks like spring is FINALLY here!

Friday, March 12, 2010

What's left in the larder?

As spring approaches, I'm taking stock of what items we still have left in our freezer and cellar.  Not that we need to clean it out, since we'll have several months before new fresh produce starts rolling in.  But it's good to know what you've got.

We still have:

sun-dried tomatoes
red onions
white onions
shallots (LOADS of shallots!)
sukuma wiki
dried herbs - rosemary, parsley, oregano


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