The Whole Yard

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Weekly roundup - August 13

This weekend was rough. H was gone all night Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday. This meant all of the yard work was going to fall on me.

So, to get a jump on things, Friday night I went out and harvested our garden. At night. In my PJs. H got home a few minutes before I finished and snapped this photo of me with the massive zucchini I found.
This is over 12 lbs of produce. The zucchini counts for 4 of those.
I ended up making a batch of zucchini bread and another 5 jars of pickles (2 of bread and butter spears and 3 more dill). Two more zucchini got sliced up and a lb of beans sauteed for dinners this weekend. I'm thinking a lot of fajitas and stuffed peppers are in our future though. It's also a good thing G loves raw bell peppers now.

Our coneflowers continue to be a pollinator heaven. I snapped this photo of a lovely female eastern tiger swallowtail with one of many honeybees.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Garden roundup

So much going on right now.

We have tons of rose hips nearly ready to be picked.
And the bushes are about to put out another round of blooms.
We were visited by a Painted Lady butterfly today.
Black eyed susans are in full bloom.
BES, coneflowers and miscanthus.
Same, plus the phlox.
The bean bed, now with some midsummer blooms.
We had about half a dozen volunteer tomatillo plants in our corn and pumpkin bed.
One lonely pumpkin.
Loaded tomato plants starting to ripen.
This one pepper plant has 20 peppers on it.


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